Flowers for your summer

Summer is the perfect season for flowers to bloom. With long days and warm temperatures, many plants come into full bloom, adding colour and beauty to gardens and landscapes all over the world. Here are some of the most popular flowers that bloom in the summer, along with information on how to care for them.


One of the most iconic summer flowers is the rose. Roses come in a wide range of colours, including red, pink, yellow, and white. They are known for their sweet fragrance and delicate petals. Roses are also one of the most popular flowers for bouquets and are often given as gifts for special occasions like weddings and anniversaries. To care for roses, make sure they receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day and water them regularly. Deadheading (removing spent flowers) will promote reblooming.


Another popular summer flower is the sunflower. These tall, bright yellow flowers are a favourite of many gardeners. They can grow up to 15 feet tall and have large, daisy-like flowers that are perfect for cutting and bringing indoors. Sunflowers are easy to grow and care for, as they thrive in full sun and well-drained soil. Deadheading will also promote reblooming.


Lilacs are also summer blooming flowers, they are known for their delicate, fragrant flowers that range in colour from white to lavender. They grow best in cooler temperatures, so they are often planted in the spring and bloom in early summer. Lilacs require well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade. They are also known to attract bees and butterflies.


The iris is another popular summer flower. They come in a wide range of colours, including blue, purple, yellow, and white. Irises have tall, sword-like foliage and large, showy flowers that make them a favourite of many gardeners. They grow best in full sun and well-drained soil. They are also drought tolerant once established.


Hydrangeas are well known for their large, round flower heads that come in a range of colours, including blue, pink, and white. They are popular in gardens and as cut flowers, and they bloom in late spring or early summer. Hydrangeas prefer moist, well-drained soil and partial shade. They also do well in containers and can be grown indoors with enough sunlight.


Lastly, the marigold. These cheerful, easy-to-grow flowers are available in a range of colours, including yellow, orange, and red. They are often used in beds and borders, and they are also popular as cut flowers. Marigolds are drought-tolerant and thrive in full sun, well-drained soil. They also grow well in containers and can be used to repel pests in vegetable gardens.

We’ll help make your summer

These are just a few examples of the many different flowers that bloom in the summer. Whether you are planting a cutting garden or just want to add some colour and beauty to your landscape, there are plenty of flowers to choose from. With proper care and attention, these flowers will beautifully bloom all summer long.

At SLAK we work with the best of seasonal produce to ensure you get the freshest of flowers in season.

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